Basic Health Check-up Program

Good health is not available for sale, but it can be created on your own, so check your health regularly to recognize potential health trends in the future and help promote good health.

Basic examination

The details of the initial health check-up are as follows.
  • Blood and platelet integrity test (CBC)
  • Kidney Function Monitor BUN, Creatinine & eGFR
  • Check the level of cholesterol in the blood .
  • Check the level of triglyceride in the blood (Triglyceride).
  • Check the level of fat (good type) in the blood (HDL-Cholesterol).
  • Check the level of fat (bad type) in the blood (LDL-Cholesterol).
  • Standard liver function tests include: Assays of AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), ALP (Alkaline phosphatase), Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio, and GGT (Gamma GT).
  • FBS blood glucose test
  • HbA1c blood glucose test
  • Blood mineralization test, blood mineralization, mineral and slurry tests, blood electrolyte tests, electrolytes blood tests
  • Measure calcium levels of coronary artery walls
  • Magnesium test
  • Check the level of total protein in the blood.
  • Check the level of uric acid in the blood (Uric Acid)
  • Detect Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

Blood and iron tests

  • Serum Iron Detection
  • TIBC (TIBC, Total Iron Binding Capacity)
  • Ferritin blood test
  • Check for enzyme depletion (G6PD)

Urine test

  • Urine Analysis
  • Screening for diabetes, kidney disease (Urine Microalbumin Random Urine)
  • Urine Protein Random Urine


Things to know before you make a decision

  • Some diseases or symptoms may not be detected by a general medical examination. If you have any particular concerns, please inform your staff or doctor first. The doctor may recommend further examination using a specific method or tool.
  • If there is a congenital disease Medications taken regularly or have other health histories should also be notified to the staff or doctor.
  • If the results of the health check-up do not indicate any signs of abnormalities, you should take good care of your health as usual, such as exercising regularly and eating a variety of foods.

General information about health check-ups

Health check-ups are primary screening tests for people who do not yet have any symptoms or may have minor abnormalities to assess the risks or find out the risk of diseases that may be latent in the body but do not yet show abnormal symptoms such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Finding problems early reduces severity, increases chances of treatment, and reduces long-term health costs.

At what age can I start a health check-up?

Individuals can start a health check-up at the age of 15 years or older, but if they are in good health and are not in the risk group, such as being overweight, obese, family members with underlying medical conditions (diabetes, cancer), or any abnormalities in the body, there is no need to have an annual check-up from the age of 15, or check at the age of 15 and space out for another 2-5 years to repeat the test.

Other things

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