Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment Laser or Carbon Dioxide Laser It works by stimulating freckles, forming skin cells and exfoliating new skin cells spots. The machine emits light waves in the range of 10,600 nm into the subcutaneous depths of the collagen layer. When the laser touches the skin cells, Fractional Photothermolysis is formed, where the old cells change and are turned off within 1-2 weeks and new skin cells are created instead of smoother, clearer and more firm.
Benefits of Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment
- Small wrinkles around the eyes / Wrinkles around the mouth / Cheek wrinkles / Forehead wrinkles
- Acne Marks / WIDE PORES
- Dark Spots / Polyps / Moles / Freckles / Flies
- Melasma / Sunburn
- Clogged acne Using an open laser, the exit channel of the sedious glands.
Where Fractional Co2 Laser can be made
- Lasers can be used almost anywhere, focusing on problem points or areas such as face, neck, knees, elbows, hands, arms, buttocks, abdomen, and more. Stretch marks, etc.
When did the laser treatment see results?
- Most treatment results are clearly seen for 4-6 weeks.
- In the first 1-2 days after treatment, the skin turns pink or red, which is normal.
- And in the first 7 days, the skin begins to scab and peel the skin layer.
- Caution is not to peel off the skin on its own, as this will cause the process of stimulating the production of new skin cells or creating an imperfect layer of collagen. In some cases, it can cause darker skin color.
What to do after Fractional Co2 Laser
- Avoid 6-12 hours of water. After the procedure has been performed.
- Avoid using cosmetics or dressing within 3-5 days after receiving the laser.
- Apply spf 50++ or more sunscreen and avoid getting hit.
How long does fractional co2 laser take?
- Usually takes about 20-40 minutes depending on the laser area.
- Before treatment, the doctor will apply a local anesthetic, leave it for 20-30 minutes and apply a cold compress together with laser treatment.
- After the skin starts to scab, the effects of treatment will be seen for about 14 days.
Side effects in the making Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment
- Silk skin or laser dark circles can occur, but the chances are minimal.
Contact Siam Clinic Phuket
- Contact us at Siam Clinic 1st Floor, Big C Phuket
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